Not everyone is going to have a personal connection to multiple myeloma but everyone has a story.
Abby Redmond is running the ING New York City Marathon and she stresses that you cannot be embarrassed to ask for money. The money is not for yourself, it is for an important cause and it helps real people. Abby found success in using Facebook to raise her money. Updating friends on her increased mileage/training, she has seen donations climb, too. If people cannot donate, Abby just asks that friends keep her in their thoughts during her training and race day.
Abby was motivated by a friend who completed an Iron Man, in July, with a time of 11 hours, 30 minutes and 59 seconds. Only 17 months prior, Abby's friend suffered a stroke, robbing her of her speech.
Abby is also educating others about the MMRF.
Abby is also educating others about the MMRF.
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